We are now a few months into the new year and this is the time that the majority of people have fallen short of their goals set in the early mornings of New Years Eve. Perhaps the goals were not realistic. Perhaps the goals were too much too soon. Perhaps the goals were not properly planned or executed.
As we have talked about many times both in the clinic and in these BLOGS, setting small and attainable goals are what is important. It doesn’t have to be important to anyone but yourself. This is not to impress anyone, or to post cool pictures on social media. It can be a slippery slope when you are injured to make excuses for where you are at (or not at). Have a bigger goal, and then create mini steps to get there. Maybe your first goal is just to sit down and create a list of goals….
Setting achievable goals will help to keep you motivated and focused. What are your 2020 goals?

Here is what the MotionWorx team says (so we can be accountable too!):
- “Cycle the Okanagan Rail Trail from Lake Country to Vernon”
- “Compete in a few Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions”
- “Find time for activities that I have not done in a few years including cross country skiing, tennis, rollerblading and rock climbing”
- “Become stronger with more regular training/gym sessions to be able to play tennis again without injuring my shoulder, and to improve my golf swing”
- “Continue to explore more of the wonderful hiking trails around the Okanagan”
- “Participate in more trail and road races. They are a good motivator to train and it is fun to push myself once in awhile. There are many great trail races in the Okanagan to choose from throughout the year”
- “Be more consistent with exercise…even if it is 10 minutes. Creating the habit forms the foundation”
- “Explore more of Kelowna with outdoor activities….become a tourist again”